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Andrew Glennon Celebrates Custody Victory Over Amber Portwood

Andrew Glennon Celebrates Custody Victory Over Amber Portwood

Exclusive: Andrew Glennon Reacts to Custody Ruling

Amber Portwood's Former Partner Speaks Out

Former "Teen Mom OG" star Andrew Glennon has shared his thoughts following a significant decision in his ongoing custody battle with Amber Portwood. On Wednesday, a judge ruled that Glennon would have primary physical and sole legal custody of their 4-year-old son, James Andrew.

Expressing relief and gratitude, Glennon stated, "This is a victory for all fathers and children who deserve to be protected and loved. I'm overjoyed to have been awarded custody of our son and will ensure that he receives the support and stability he needs."

The ruling marks the culmination of a highly publicized custody battle that has unfolded in the media for several years. Portwood and Glennon began dating in 2017 and welcomed James in 2018. However, their relationship ended in 2019 amidst allegations of domestic violence and substance abuse, leading to the initial custody dispute.

While Glennon celebrates this milestone, Portwood has reportedly not given up the fight. Her attorney has indicated that she intends to appeal the decision. The legal battle is expected to continue in the coming months, but for now, Glennon can focus on providing a loving and nurturing environment for his son.
